Thank you all for attending our Jubilee Webinar Series: Young Children Priority One. In honor of our Wil and Rachel Blechman Fund, we are shifting the focus of our monthly Zoom Greet + Meet to Young Children Priority One (YCPO). Florida Kiwanis Foundation Meet + Greet meetings are held monthly from 6-6:30 pm. We look forward to you joining us!
September 23 at 6 pm-
Rebecca Parlakian, Zero to Three- Duval Language Development
October 20 at 6 pm-
Joan Whitson, Early Learning Coalition- Can literacy activities be done at home?
November 10 at 6 pm-
Rachel Wyhman, Kids at Play- Importance of grandparents in early childhood!
December 8 at 6pm-
Danielle Burley, PK Purposeful Play- Why early childhood learning is important?

2024 Golf Tournament

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